[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] How to Create and Implement a Wellness Room

mindfulness physical fitness spotlight staff

Trudy Schug is a Behavior Specialist who shares her experiences with the Wellness Room at her school, and was able to cut behavior referrals in half compared to previous years. Using this practice, she was able to teach her students the importance of recognizing and regulating emotions, thus reaping positive changes in student behavior and well-being. 

In this episode of the GW Spotlight, Trudy highlights how the Generation Wellness training and tools have been instrumental in helping students and staff regulate their emotions, significantly reducing behavior referrals. Click play to watch the video above which highlights:

  • Where did Trudy get the tools necessary to implement the Wellness Room
  • The detailed process on how Trudy set up the Wellness Room
  • The statistics for cutting behavior referrals in half compared to previous years
  • Her experience with the implementation of the Wellness Room in her classes
  • How students make use of the Wellness Room and how this has impacted them
  • How Trudy involved the school community in the Wellness Room initiative

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Trudy Schug for her unwavering commitment to student and staff well-being. Her innovative use of the Generation Wellness training and tools has created a more supportive and emotionally healthy school environment.

Thank you, Trudy, for your invaluable contributions to fostering a culture of wellness in education!


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